rânduri de gânduri

just a thought about… a story

Take a story. Let’s say two people and an apple. And a pet. A snake pet. Then, fly in time. Give them the story and see what you get. *a long long time ago: you give them the story, they don’t get yet. what’s a pet?! if it walks, it could be great food.*10.000 years BC: you give them the story, and they ask: where are they? if they join us, the tribe will grow more »


Joaca n-are pretentii

Bucuria copiilor e debordanta. Vine de nu stii unde si ii cuprinde si pe cei din jur. Nu e nevoie de lucruri scumpe, etichete, sau ambalaje stralucitoare. Si asta ma uimeste si ma impresioneaza de fiecare data. O minge dezumflata e perfecta cat timp se rostogoleste. O tricicleta ruginita e ok, cat timp rotile se invart; e buna chiar de impartit cu altii. Un pachet de sticksuri frante e mai bun decat orice more »


Craciun fericit!

Craciun fericit! Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël! Καλά Χριστούγεννα! Feliz Natal! Mutlu Noeller! Wesołych Świąt! С Рождеством Христовым! Boldog karácsonyt! Hyvää joulua! ¡Feliz Navidad!

momente. clipe.

priceless moment no. 77

snowflake flight. floating. immortal. I am the frozen wind that stops. I am the lost drops at rain that stare at the sun through the rounded rainbow. Well… to be honest, I wish I was all these… I am just the snowflake that doesn‘t dare to fall. Free, light, I have stopped bellow the clouds so I can watch the world. I let myself float over seas and plains, over mountains and animated more »


Privirea îmi feresc acum

Mă uit în ochii tăi și aflu Cum să deschid cartea cu file albe, Cum să citesc acolo unde nu sunt rânduri, Și cum s-accept tot ce nu vreau să știu. De ani de zile ne cunoaștem La braț am mers atâta timp Zâmbind, plângând, iubind, murind, Din toate ale vieții învățând. Speranțe, vise-mpărtașite, Victorii și înfrângeri dureroase, Noi doi am cunoscut pe rând; Acum, pășim în liniște zâmbind. De tine ochii-mi feresc Și-n jos cu resemnare îi las Privirea din oglindă mă pregătesc să-mi iau more »

momente. clipe.

priceless moment no. 76

the day you understand itThere is a precious moment in anyone’s life when you understand how things go; you don’t run anymore for superlative. That is the day when you really start living your life. Whatever it was your fairytale dream, about incredible love, tones of money, plenty of laughs, overwelming power, tremendous career… you let them go. And stick to reality. You have a bit of everything and you more »


mi-e dor…

mi-e dor de-o zi cu nori, ca să o prețuiesc pe cea senină mi-e dor de aripi frânte, ca să îmi aduc aminte cum să zbor mi-e dor de-un gust amar, ca să mă-ndulcesc cu miere sunt om și uit a prețui sclipirea, fulgul de nea sau valul spart de mal sunt gând și-alerg și fug și mă rotesc, dispar, apar și uit să stau de-o parte sunt tot ce more »



stop. stay. shout. start again. play your life. click here for the rest of your life

momente. clipe.

priceless moment no. 75

waiting for the shut down It‘s almost week-end, when comes the time to shut down. The laptop, the worries, the troubles of the week. To shut down everything.Then turn on the joy, the largest smile you can fit on your face, get rid of ordinary days and live your dreams.You‘d better hurry, Monday is just a few days away.


hot hot hot

hot are these summer days, with almost 30 degrees in the morning; hot are the girls in bikini on the beach; hot are the lovers under moonlight; hot is the oven when grandma is cooking; hot are the dreams that end in the morning… and they all wait and welcome the cold summer rain, as they don’t know it’s their end when rain comes.

momente. clipe.

priceless moment no. 74

slow down. don’t run. During two days of week-end, we hurry to catch up all the tranquility moments we missed during the other five days of the week. We are so focused to do everything, that we forget to slow down and live free.Let’s forget about 24/24 & 7/7 concept, let’s just relax and have our hours of freedom.Look at the stars in the sky, have a bath in the more »


nescrise, nespuse

La stele când mă uit, visez La locuri unde eu mă pierd zburând Pe plaiuri neatinse de cuvânt. Când luna o privesc, te văd Când ochii tăi ii vad, eu cred Povestea mea și amintirea ta. În vise vii și pleci, tu treci În gânduri stai câte-un moment Nu zăbovești nicicând mai mult. Nisipuri mișcătoare mă cuprind Și-n ele taine mea o prind La tine când mă uit, eu pierd.

momente. clipe.

priceless moment no. 72

listening the crickets  Although it’s not a luxury, nowadays it is a rare habit to listen the crickets. I will take my time and lay down in the grass and just listen the cri-cri song of the crickets. I will go to the seaside and listen the sea waves crashing on the cliffs. I will go near a lake and listen the sound of frogs. I will go in places more »